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ENGLISH: we aim to develop language, communication skills and individual character.

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” Albert Einstein

“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.”  J. K. Rowling

English is at the heart of the curriculum at Brockwell Junior School and books play a central role.  We recognise that a high-quality education in English will teach pupils to speak and write fluently, so that not only are they are able to communicate effectively with others, but through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them. Language skills enable success and full participation as a member of society. Therefore, our English curriculum encompasses the following:  

Reading – (including the appreciation of literature, and the skills of decoding, fluency, prosody and comprehension).

Speaking and Listening -including drama opportunities.  

Writing – including composition, grammar, spelling, punctuation and handwriting.

Our aim is to ensure that every child leaves Brockwell as a confident orator, reader and writer, fully equipped for the demands of the secondary curriculum and life beyond that. Our aspiration is that pupils will also take with them a lifelong love of books and the written word. 

Brockwell Junior School English Policy

Intent Implementation Impact – English

Brockwell English Progression MapY3

Brockwell English Progression MapY4

Brockwell English Progression MapY5

Brockwell English Progression Map Y6

Our school library is a vibrant space and run by members of the school staff, experienced volunteers and a group of librarians/reading ambassadors. We have a large selection of fiction which is categorised by genre. The non-fiction section is catalogued using the Dewey system, and all children attend sessions on accessing non-fiction which is run by one of our volunteer librarians. New books are purchased regularly. The space is open every day to change reading books, sit and become absorbed in a book, or to research and work sensibly.

Read, Write, Inc and Fresh Start support phonics and Spelling Shed is our online spelling programme, tailored to each year group. This involves a weekly spelling lesson, time to practise at school and at home and a test to measure progress.

At Brockwell we believe in championing English, and reading and writing are regularly celebrated in our Friday assembly. Newly published books are discussed and examples of pupils’ work are shared. 

By reading with and to your child, and by listening to your son or daughter read to you, you will be immersing them in language. This will help them learn to communicate, empathise with others and encourage their natural curiosity. 

Picture books, chapter books, novels, fiction/non-fiction, comics, recipes ,poems, instruction manuals, presentations, news articles – there are so many sources of reading material.

As well as reading with your child, please support them with their weekly Spelling Shed spellings which they bring home to practise. Below you will also find a list of our ‘non-negotiables’. These are words that we all focus on correcting when the children are writing in school and include commonly misspelt words. There are also two lists published by the Department of Education, one for children in Years 3 and 4 and one for Years 5 and 6.

Important Spellings (non-negotiables)



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