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“Working Together to…be Safe, Smile & Succeed”



The contacts on the link above are available during term time. During the holidays you can self refer to Children’s Services using Starting Point 01629 533190; you can contact our Family Resources Worker (Families working with her will have contact numbers) or you can email and you must copy in .

If it is urgent and you need police / ambulance help call 999

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Our motto underpins all our practice. Children who feel safe and secure can become successful, happy learners.

Throughout the 4 years, children will develop skills and knowledge to enable them to be well prepared for secondary school and life beyond. We have a designated lead of safeguarding on the premises at all times.


Our curriculum includes planned learning experiences within our Personal & Social Education (PSHE) and Relationships Education. It also includes the day to day guidance, advice and language modelled by staff in the school. For example we talk about respect and giving consent for things as routine. Assemblies and drama are often used to raise awareness of key issues and give children the opportunity to develop skills they may need in real life. For example when peer to peer pressure or being independent in our local area. Children learn how to ask for help if they are worried and how to become assertive to resist pressure.

The NSPCC deliver the Speak Out Stay Safe programme so that each cohort take part.  The Sports Partnership deliver 560, a programme to promote healthy choices and road safety sessions during the 4 years which include ‘Bikeability’ from Year 3. Online Safety teaching and messages are routinely part of the week. We promote friendship and anti bullying strategies through an annual campaign, alongside the anti bullying alliance, to maintain this area as a priority. We work closely with The Primary School Engagement Team who deliver workshops on anti-bullying, moral and British values, online safety and sexting.

Well-being Wonders Inspired by the story ‘Wonder’, we are introducing ‘Well-being Wonders’ to promote the 5 ways to well-being and help prepare our anti- bullying week to promote friendship and strategies to stop bullying when it happens. With guidance from Miss Clarke and Miss Holmes, they will help us think of ways to bring friends together and promote positive relationships. They may have occasional work to complete at home such as posters to remind children about our Anti Bullying Charter for children.


If a child informs us that they have had an accident they are given TLC and appropriate first aid. All our staff have first aid training. A note will be sent home with your child. If we have any concerns, we will contact you directly. 

Safeguarding Children from Harm

We work closely with parents and other agencies when families need extra support or we are worried a child may be at risk of harm.

Starting Point is Derbyshire’s initial point of referral.

In our school, whilst anyone can,  the Safeguarding Lead usually makes referrals.              01629 533190

Domestic Abuse

We support the ‘Stopping Domestic Abuse Together’ initiative which supports effective multi-agency work to protect children living in households where there is domestic abuse.

This school will receive from Derbyshire Police a notification of every incident that has been reported to them or known to them of domestic abuse where a child is known to be living in the household.

This is a Derbyshire Police initiative working with Derbyshire County Council Children’s Services. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and this is to help schools with responses to domestic abuse by helping them support children and their families exposed to or involved in domestic abuse.

This may mean staff talking to pupils about their experiences, raising awareness through classroom discussion and school activities, helping victims and families by providing to them signposting information.

Brockwell school is committed to protecting children and young people and working with partners to stop domestic abuse.

Children are now very much victims when it comes to abuse in the home – not only witnesses.

Derbyshire’s campaign is STOPPING DOMESTIC ABUSE TOGETHER (SDAT) and a SDAT notification is sent to school if police are notified/called out.

Every police force has support through Operation Encompass whereby timely notifications are issued. This will help understand a child’s lived experience.

Operation Encompass Professionals’ National Advice and Guidance line on 0204 513 9990. Monday to Friday, 8am-1pm

The helpline issued to parents is 08000 198 668


Text 07534617252

There is also a silent solution – dial 999 and use SS when prompted

Early Help and Family Support

We have been providing support for children and families proudly working in partnership with you over the years. This may be nurture work, accessing other agencies or family liaison. Mrs Graham champions our Pupil Premium Children in school and will support you with
attendance matters. Early Help support covers a wide range of areas such as child anxiety, self-esteem,bereavement, relationships, parenting support and attendance – and many more. In addition to our ongoing work, we now have Sarah Wilson working in school on Fridays as a
Family Support Worker.
The Local Authority still has a statutory responsibility for Safeguarding across the county. If we have concerns about a child, we refer to Starting Point which remains the same. Sarah will work very closely with parents and school staff to ensure she supports children and families in
our school community as required. Sarah will be around school on Fridays at pick up, so she can get to know and meet everyone. If you would like to meet or contact Sarah, please call the school office.
Do come and speak to us if at any time you think you need signposting or advice.

The materials below provide guidance to staff at the school  and form part of our Safeguarding Portfolio.

Any person working with children who is unsupervised at our school will need  disclosure and barring service checks, and will receive safeguarding updates.

Early Help Policy in policy pages

Parent Feedback

It is motivating to know when we’ve had a positive impact. Please let us know by filling out the form below.

If something’s not right, we’d like to know.

If you have an idea you’d like to share, please let us know.