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D&T – Design, Make, Evaluate👍

All children to access an engaging design-make-evaluate curriculum within STEM

“Design and Technology should be the subject where mathematical brainboxes and science whizzkids turn their bright ideas into useful products.” James Dyson

At Brockwell Junior School we aim to give pupils:

  • A knowledge and understanding of materials, components, controls and structures.
  • Practical tasks to develop skills using tools and handling materials.
  • The opportunity to investigate, disassemble and evaluate a range of simple products.
  • The opportunity to design and make real world objects.
  • The skills to evaluate and modify existing systems to improve their functionality.
  • To understand how food is prepared safely.
  • To enjoy food and begin to work creatively with different ingredients.
  • A safe working environment (in accordance with the guidance given in “Make it Safe”).
  • We aim to develop children’s ability and confidence in formulating ideas in the designing, making and evaluating process.

Whole days such as the KNEX Challenge Day, Towers, Build It! and Enterprise enrich the teaching and learning of this subject.

Food technology develops into ‘Come Dine with Me’. Year Six children develop a menu from concept to authentic hospitality which develops aspiration alongside developing practical and economic skills required.

D&T Policy

Intent Implementation Impact

D&T Progression Map

DT  Overview

What are the end points, goals for this phase?

Children have developed creative skills through planning, designing and making things.

Teamworking skills through joint project work with other pupils is developed further.

Technical / craft skills further developed by carefully working with a range of tools and materials.

Links with computing skills are routine.

LINK HERE FOR TEACHERS TO THE DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION (Materials used in school such as their progression framework may not be permitted to be published on this site due to copyright)

Parent Feedback

It is motivating to know when we’ve had a positive impact. Please let us know by filling out the form below.

If something’s not right, we’d like to know.

If you have an idea you’d like to share, please let us know.